I will wipe out from the earth the men whom I have created, and not only the men, but also the beasts and the creeping things and the birds of the air. Upon creating man, God gave him a responsibility that put him “in-charge” of his fellow creatures. His being created in the image and likeness of God was to be reflected in the way he was to conduct himself as a custodian of his fellow creatures. Because of his responsibility, the destiny of the entire created order rested with him. In the words of the Franciscan St. Bonaventure, it was his responsibility to see to it that the ‘cycle’ of creation was kept in motion. Man was to assume the responsibility of leading the river of creation back to its source, the Creator. As a result, the ripple effects of man’s action (or inaction) were to be felt by every created being. Unfortunately for the rest of the creatures, man did not understand the magnitude of the responsibility God had given him. Because of man’s wickedness and failure to live up to his responsibility, God wiped from the face of the earth every created plant and animal, including the innocent ones. The world today continues to experience the effects of man’s refusal to understand the responsibility that God put on his shoulders. Instead of being a steward, man has become the major threat to creation. Man has failed to care for creation and has instead chosen to exploit it. What man fails to realize is that just as the destiny of the created world is tied to his very destiny, so is his existence tied to that of creation. Once man shall have finished exploiting the earth, he too shall become extinct. And when this happens, man shall have failed to live up to his God-given responsibility, and once more, the created order shall be wiped off the face of the earth. After wiping from the face of the earth all creatures, God restored its glory in Jesus Christ. May we who have taken upon ourselves the name of Jesus understand our role as caretakers of creation. May we join Jesus in restoring the glory of creation.