The Word of God has come from above to do God's will and it will not return to God without achieving that goal. What is the will of God? John 6:38-40 tells us that the will of God is that through Jesus Christ, all should find their way back to God (all should be saved). For Jesus Christ assumed a creaturely nature so that his brothers and sisters can have eternal life (cf. John 3:16). It is this that is alluded to in today’s First Reading from the Prophet Isaiah. The two verses that make up the First reading are part of a chapter titled, “Final Invitation.” It is a chapter in which we see God extending an invitation to the community to make an about turn and come back to God. God could no longer afford to watch the tribulations of the community on account of the stubbornness of the people. The community’s continued staying apart from the Lord God was not only adding to their suffering but was frustrating God's plan for them as well. Something had to be done, and only God could do it. God sent his Word to the earth. The words of the Lord are spirit and they give life (cf. John 6:63b). Even as God’s people remained in their stubbornness, God did not stop reaching out to them. Time and again, God raised men and women from among them to speak the life-giving words of God to the community. And even though each time the words of the Lord fell on deaf ears, the Lord did not give up. The Lord continued speaking to the people and reaching out to them since there is nothing that men and women can do that will eternally frustrate God’s plans. The words of life that the Lord continues to speak to God’s people will finally bear fruit and the reconciliation that is sought by God through Jesus Christ will be realized. It is in God that all our aspirations and longings of the human heart are met. We might try to meet them somewhere else, but we will never fully meet them outside of God. Jesus Christ, the Word of God come down from heaven, shows us how to make our way back to God. Let us listen to him because he brings us the words of life.