God’s love was revealed in our midst in this way: he sent his only Son to the world that we might have life through him. God assuming human nature had only one goal: to give life to the world. The sin of humanity’s first parents had alienated the created world from God and by so doing robbed it of life. In their disobedience to God’s commands, Adam and Eve rejected God’s life-giving love and chose a path that led to the condemnation of the world. While it was a decision of two individuals that set the world on the path of death, we, their descendants, have ensured that we remain on this path charted for us by them. We have done this by ourselves refusing to hearken to God calling us to come back to him. Each time that God comes close to us, we keep moving away and creating a barrier between God and us through our sinfulness. However, God has never gotten tired of looking out for us. God has continually sought us out in order to set us on the path to the fullness of life which is God’s will for us. While it would have counted as “justice” were God to leave us to die in our disobedience and sin, God did not see it that way. Instead, God decided to save us as a show of how much God loves us. God assumed human nature so that he could show us how to be obedient to God once again. God assumed human nature to show us how we can resist the temptation to be independent of God. Jesus becomes one of us to show us how to love again since it is by loving that we regain our likeness to God. It is when we love that God’s life-giving spirit lives in us.