Whoever does not accept the Kingdom of God like a child will not enter it. The kingdom of God was the central theme of Jesus’ preaching mission. His presence had ushered in the awaited reign of God. The next move that needed to be made was for his hearers to heed his preaching and become members of the kingdom. But there was a challenge that needed to be met head on. There were some who did not believe in Jesus’ assertion of the imminence of the kingdom of God. Even though they had heard him preach and witnessed him perform mighty acts as proof of the in-breaking of the kingdom of God, they still harbored doubts as to whether Jesus was the right person to usher in the kingdom. Even though in his sermons and teachings Jesus had invited them to join him in proclaiming the kingdom of God, they were still hesitant to make the required move. They were still watching from a distance and from across the street. They didn’t want to get too close. But when children were brought to Jesus, they acted differently. They didn’t want to watch or to listen from a distance. They came to Jesus and joined him. They sat with him, listened to him, and received his blessing. They were not afraid of Jesus. There was nothing that could prevent them from approaching Jesus. Entering the kingdom of God demands assuming the attitude of a child. It means getting rid of anything – prejudices, hearsays, indoctrinations - that might prevent one from “approaching” others and from being “approachable.” It means seeing no threat in the other, accepting him/her as one to whom one can approach for blessings. Entering the kingdom of God means cultivating the ability to listen to others while sitting at their feet (assuming the position of humility).