See what love the Father has bestowed on us: we are God’s children. All creation comes from God since creation is willed by God. Some theologians even go to the extent of saying that creation is an extension of God (St. Bonaventure). To St. Bonaventure, the coming to be of creation demonstrates the extent of God’s unselfish love. He reasons that creation resulted as an outpouring (outflow) of the love that is found in the Trinity (Godhead). In other words, the created world is God himself flowing outwards (God is love). Furthermore, the Scriptures tell us that God’s love for creation did not stop at the completion of the act of creation. God continues to love and to keep in being (existence) what God has created. The greatest demonstration of this is to be seen in the assumption of a creaturely nature by God in the person of Jesus Christ (cf. John 3:16). The consequence of God assuming our human nature is that we have been adopted by God in a special way. As brothers and sisters of Jesus, we also share in Jesus’ sonship. We are sons and daughters of God. Our adoption as sons and daughters of God is a step in the right direction because it points ahead to our ultimate union with God. Our adoption as God’s children inserts us firmly into God and is a sign that God has good things in store for us. But we get to be assured of receiving the good things only if we remain planted in God. We remain planted in God by staying away from sin and lawlessness.